(About rping) Need to know a few things

like what do i do when i join the server

Does cars have gas on them (more realistic or no one never touched it??)

What kind of Fractions can you be? Do you have to be assigned or its your choice?

What do you do when you join and have absoutly no clue what to do?

How does chat work?

How does commands work?is it like ( /sit ?)

like what do i do when i join the server Register for starters

Does cars have gas on them (more realistic or no one never touched it??)Usally all cars spawn with cash

What kind of Fractions can you be? Do you have to be assigned or its your choice?Your Choice, Theirs Cops, Gangs, News Etc.

What do you do when you join and have absoutly no clue what to do? Try reading a guide look one up on Big roleplay server Forums.

How does chat work? /o For Out Of Character, /b For Local Out of character, No cmd For In Character /s For Yelling at someone for far distance, /l (On some servers) Means Local

How does commands work?is it like ( /sit ?) Something like that Only if your rping sitting in a chair.

Theirs also Things like Powergame Metagame

PowerGame is (When You go up to a man and tell him /me Takes "Billy" In the car and beats his ass and kills him)

MetaGame is (When you use the wrong cmd's and it means Your non rping Witch leads to admins banning you)

The fame master can you show me around when i get everything setted up for samp? and my san andreas is coming soon (damn gamestop didnt sell it! had to buy online for 10$ good deal) or are you only a DM guy?

Im not a dm guy Lol Im really nice I have my own server also If You'd like to learn some rp their just ask

And lol whyd you buy it lolz omg u know no one buys it lol they get it off internet

okay.. How do i know is it like online games where we all have accounts etc? like MGO- For ex ur account only ex. The fame monster server or something like that?and fame i bought it because when i got it off the internet horrible shit happened.....plus it brings mai good memories back when i first bought it for PS2

Well each server You gotta make a new account, I suggest you play on one server Until you get the hang of stuff :P

Okay...whats ur name on a server and i'll tell u wen Amazon gives me my GTA SA and i depatch it etc...I might start off with something easily

look in my siggy :P

At the picture? sorry i have no clue about this lol!!

yes :P

Seif_ I Know that, But I didn't want to Go into to much detail so he can understand Mate, That's why i said I'd help him matey :S?


I know that's why I showed him my server Ip though :P, So I can show him before he goes into a big server, Since my server Hasn't been Public Public yet :P

thanks fame....okay one last question (I NEVER SAW server settings) so where do you put in your IP? im taking notes lol!

When you download SaMp from the Download page, You first put Your Gta game into the folder with the rest of it's files, Then Put "Samp" Into it, then Theirs a "Check Sign (Orange) Top corner of it. Click it and add the Ip:Port

Originally Posted by The Fame Monster
Theirs also Things like Powergame Metagame

PowerGame is (When You go up to a man and tell him /me Takes "Billy" In the car and beats his ass and kills him)

MetaGame is (When you use the wrong cmd's and it means Your non rping Witch leads to admins banning you)
It's extremly rare when I post something, but... ROFL!!

Take Seif's advice :P

Originally Posted by Seif_
Terrible explanation.

Factions depend on the RP server you join. Not every server has the same stuff.
The point of role play is playing a role of a custom character that you create, so that's what you do when you go in the server. Most role play servers use fuels for vehicles and you have to go to a fuel station to fill it up.
Role play is basically realism. You do what you think you would do in real life in your character's place and don't do what you wouldn't do in real life. It's like a virtual world, just on your screen.

In most servers, /o is for global OOC chat and /b for near-by OOC chat. Normal chat is IC. OOC stands for 'out of character', which means a message that doesn't interfere the role play. IC is in character, it's what your character says. /me is the action command, if you want to make an action, you use /me. For example: /me snatches his own necklace.

Powergame is overwhelming your character. Stuff that you can't do in real life. For example: /me breaks the cuffs with his strength.
Metagaming is using OOC information for your advantage. For example, name tags are shown for everybody. But in real life, there is no names on top of people's heads. In this case, you would read his name and call him by his name in the IC chat when your character never realistically knew your name.
PM me if you need to find a good RP server
Excellent explanation, Seif_. Now, if you don't mind, I'd like to add a tad bit more to your powergaming definition.


As Seif_ said, powergaming is basically doing things that are unrealistic. Something that Seif_ didn't tell you is that there is different forms of powergaming as I like to call it. Seif_ explained form 1, but the other form is one that most people forget about, or do not know of. It's when you force something upon someone. I'll explain this more into detail below.

Alright, say 'Roger' came up to you and is kidnapping you. Let's jump ahead and say it was role-played fine, yada yada, and now you're in his car, etc. Roger doesn't have a gun, but he's wanting to be in-control of the role-play situation (most people do, that's why they do this). So, he does something along the lines of, "/me reaches down towards his waistband, gripping the handle of his Glock-17, pulling it out.", but he doesn't ACTUALLY have the gun on him. That's a form of powergaming because I'm sure you'd role-play as if he actually does have the gun, and do things you wouldn't do if he didn't have the gun.

If you don't understand this, I'll try to break it down better for you.

Also Metagaming should also mention that if you see the info on the forum (Someone saying "Oh yeah, We gotta do this task" about something in an OOC Forum Section), that if you go and involve yourself in the situation and allow the info to slip that "Such and Such are turning up here to do something like this..." then you just metagamed.

Ultimately Using OOC Info ICly, whether for your own benefit or for others.

I say this as a LOT of people call "Mixing" Metagaming, Where simply, the person may have missed the /b or /o and mistakenly just "said" it... It's not metagaming as it's not using the information, and it was solely a typo.

And biggest suggestion, is that even though every other "gangster" may be carrying guns, You don't need to... Not even really for defence.


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