Ati locks FPS??

Hey. i have Ati Radeon HD 3470, updated stuff etc.. and i think my FPS's are being locked at games... i should be getting a lot better performance, cose with a lower and older spec computer i get 40fps at SA; and im geting 25 fps -_-", btw i have Pentium Dual Core 1,86ghz. and i think my ATI is blocking FPS on every game, and yea SA has Frame Limiter turned off btw...
is it true ati blocks fps? and how to unblock if so.

Dual Core 1,86ghz

That is bad.

well its not reaaaaaaaaaaaal good, nor goooood, but i dont need more... im not a lot of a hardcore gamer, besides, even on powerfull computers i always play on the lowest settings... dunno why.. and anyways i can run GTA IV 18-20fps xD
i restarted my computer, messed up in catalyst control center, now i have 51 FPS in SA

IDK why my post got deleted..

Options>>Display Setup>>Advanced>>Frame limited>> Turn off


u didnt understand my question.
the frame limiter of SA was off, i was just askin if theres a frame limiter in catalyst control center!

No there is not, however if you have VSinc turned on it will limit the FPS to whatever you have your monitor's refresh rate set to.

k thanks

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