Using other car colors, safe?

Hey, I was just wondering if is it really dangerous to use those new vehicle colors :P

Other Car Colors

Warning: These might not sync properly and/or cause clients to crash.

Since it says that I wonder if they really crash.. cuz i havent

Hmm, I've never tried them so I'm not sure. Although, if there's a warning there, you should stick to the origional ones. I mean, there's plenty there to choose from

Well, give them a try !! ^^

I tested some... but nothing..

Thats like saying, I dont know if sex without condom with a hooker gives u aids, how about u give it a try xD

jk lol

I want someone with experience in thhis before i start saving cars with new colors dont wanna then have to change 300 colors

Save one or two Vehicles and Test it with some other People then you know it

I mean I have been to a friend's server and she uses new colors only but i havent been there fore more than 1 hour hehe
and another thing is that since i installed samp 0.3a like 2 months ago, i have never crashed :P... maybe it's luck..

Well, what are you making this server for? To make it serious; buy a host, ect. Or just to play around on with a couple of friends. If seriously, its not worth the risk. If it's just for fun, go ahead.

then use this luck and take the new Vehicle Colors

Seriously Fun Server

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