SAM site of Area 69

Know the SAM system area 69, in which when a helicopter or an airplane passes over the area missiles are launched? So I wanted to put this same system in my ADM Home, but all the scripts I tested did not work. They compile without error, but it seems that they do not exist in the game. Could you pass an effective script, in which ADMns can not be achieved, just normal players?

Well I understand most of your post except for that last sentence.


Could you pass an effective script, in which ADMns can not be achieved, just normal players?


Could you make an effective script in which admins do not get shot with the SAM site, just normal players?

Is that what you mean?

That's right, is that I am Brazilian and used a translator.

Check filterscripts and includes, there have been quite a few sam site sytesms recently posted.

I've tried absolutely EVERYONE in the category of filterscripts and includes.My problem is with "IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint". This function is for SA-MP Server 0.3, and my is 0.2u1. If they could make me or pass one for 0.2u1 I would be very grateful.

Just ask why the ones that are posted in filterscripts don't work (ask on their threads). they should be able to help you get it working.

I try, anything I post here

In the posts, nobody answered my questions. I would appreciate if someone are enabled to write or have a tutorial step-by-step detailed for me to create one.

I can give you mine. I downloaded it a while back and edited it so it works a little different but more efficiently. I can edit it some more so you can use it for your purpose. Just tell me the area coordinates for your admin house and where you want the missiles to come out at.

Thank you guy! I want the missiles here:
-1298.1055908203, 553.72576904297, 5.862979888916,0
-752.3388671875, 538.02795410156, 15.687647819519,90
-751.77319335938, 571.28210449219, 15.2890625,90
-751.62750244141, 504.84967041016, 15.2890625,90
And the Admin Area are:
I wanted the missile reached just normal players, administrators were not met.

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