Installalation issues

Hi, I'm a bit tired right (It's 4:30 in the morning where I live) now so I might spell something wrong, have patience with that.

When I try to install my SA-MP I get that picture that you've got on that wiki help site.

But.. I can't click install, and when I click browse and change to where my SA map is, I can't click okay.

I'd like to see some interest before I type more info, reply and ask what you wonder.
And also, I'm new in this forum but I think I created this topic in the right place?

Have a nice.. Morning!

You need to select the directory where gta_sa.exe is located.

If the executable file isn't in the directory you have selected, you won't be able to continue the installation.

That's what I do..

I can't install it anywhere ( including the map where gta-samp.exe is ).

As far as I know, that simply can't be right.

What you have described is not being able to click "Next" at the installation screen.
From my knowledge, the only reason for that to happen is that there isn't a "gta_sa.exe" file in the directory you have specified.
Check that there actually is a file with that name in the directory you're trying to use, I can't think of any other reason why the Next button would be disabled in the installation. (with the exact name, gta_sa.exe or gta_sa if you have known file extensions hidden - should be an application)

Yes ev0ltionn is right
Check gta_sa.exe is Exist or not
On teh Directory Remove X by your own Drive DIR
X:\Rockstar Games\GTA San Andreas

And there may be your windows has some problems

The gta_sa.exe file, can it also be named 'gta-sa.exe'?


No it has to be named gta_sa.exe else it wont work.

Problem solved, thanks anyways guys!

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