Help with teleporting

Hi guys i know how to make the teleport command and all of it's stuff but i want to ask you because i don't know this - Well... my question is how can i make the teleport command so it can teleport with the vehicle (the guy who is still in the vehicle and types maybe /parklot he teleports still on the seat of his vehicle)?

please help me

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i guess you didn't read my question very carefully
When a player is driving and types a command he teleports with his car(but i want him to be still behind the wheel)

No I read your question, you must be stating it wrong.

If you use setvehiclepos he will still be behind the wheel.

And just because you didn't get an answer withing 5 seconds doesn't mean you can pm me.
DO NOT PM because you don't get an answer right away, its worse than bumping.

Yes, but with the set vehicle pos it only teleports the car id i have chosen. For example i have two nrg's an admin spawns a car(id 3) and when he teleports it teleports him only the nrg(id 1) car. Am i right?

if a player is in a vehicle.
And you say setvehiclepos....
It will teleport him inside of the vehicle too.

make sure your using the right vehicle id.

Thanks for the info very much i really appreciate it because i am making a game mode. Thanks for your help

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