05.02.2010, 02:30
can anyone help me ?
#define house 0
public OnGameModeInit() { CreateCheckpoint(0, house, 2513.6108,-1650.3096,14.3557, 1.0); SetCheckpointInterior(house, 0); DisableInteriorEnterExits(); <---- that will disable the default ones ( like tattoos,restaurants,Police stations ) return 1; }
public OnPlayerEnterCheckpoint(playerid){ VerifyCheckpoint(playerid); // Asks the ChpManager to check this checkpoint and fire the next function return 1; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public OnCheckpointEnter(playerid, checkpointid){ switch(checkpointid) { case house: // The checkpoint ID we specified when we created the checkpoint { SetPlayerPos(playerid,225.4502,1024.7152,1084.0078); SetPlayerInterior(playerid,7); DisablePlayerCheckpoint(playerid); } } return 1; }