02.02.2010, 15:28
[center]Las Venturas Airport
I'm a bit new to this forum, but I kinda liked this forum, and I downloaded filterscripts. I downloaded many gamemodes, tested them, and filterscripts + maps. So, I thought to make a map on my own. Yes, it's my first map. So don't expect epicness
. Many mistakes are too in the map/in this topic, 'coz my English isn't good, and its my first map :P. If you find any bugs/impossible stunts, please report it. 
So, this one is really not the way how Stuntparks supposed to be. It haves bumps, hard stunts, grinds, precs, and much more..!
They are all "sorted" in difficulties. As example: There is a building, but a billboard is on it. The billboard = harder, building = easier.

Yo guys..I'm a bit new to this forum, but I kinda liked this forum, and I downloaded filterscripts. I downloaded many gamemodes, tested them, and filterscripts + maps. So, I thought to make a map on my own. Yes, it's my first map. So don't expect epicness

[size=12pt]The Map
So, like the title says: It is in the airport of Las Venturas. But about the map, it's more for Stunt servers. And the most Stuntparks are rubbish. They are just easy, and I don't call it even a stuntpark if there are only rubbish loopings/ramps and stuff.So, this one is really not the way how Stuntparks supposed to be. It haves bumps, hard stunts, grinds, precs, and much more..!
They are all "sorted" in difficulties. As example: There is a building, but a billboard is on it. The billboard = harder, building = easier.
BTW, its all resized to 640x480, otherwise it is a bit big for the forum 

http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?mxgkodmm4mzPAWNO Code
if(!strcmp("/lvairport", cmdtext, true)) { SetPlayerPos(playerid,1299.8621,1378.2822,10.3751); ResetPlayerWeapons(playerid); GivePlayerWeapon(playerid,,0); GameTextForPlayer(playerid,"Welcome to Las Venturas Airport, by RobinOwnz",4000,6); return 1; }