can someone help me out i am cofused

ok i have a server thatis like a DM server but i want it to be a cops and robbers server

and this is what i need added (idk how long it will take)
plz pm me if u can help me ourt or just post here

i need you to add cop commands like /ar /tk /taz /cuff /uncuff for all the cops ONLY and make it so you can rob stores by walking into a pink circle and typing /robcluck (cluckin bell)/robshot(burgershot) ect. and when you kill/rob/or shoot you get a wanted lvl
and add it so when a cop arrests a person he is sent to my island /alcatraz if he is more that 6 stars and to the lv pd if not
also a /rob [playerid] cmd and plz add robskill so when u reach lvl 10 robing you can rob stores not just people(skill 1-9 rob ppl only)and when u get to lvl 20 u can rob casinos and banks (add a main bank at the lv city planning department) plz add atms around the city to and link the main bank to my current type of banking (24/7)
also plz add a /rape [id] cmd and when they do the get infected with std's and have to go get meds from the hospital

and plz add a admin script and edit it so guests have just a few cmd ex just informantion and registration cmds
members have basic cmds
Fvips has a better ammount
mods have a better selection (no KICK OR BAN)
PVIP has almost all cmds (exept admin ones like adminroom and adminskin)
admins get all exept kickall and anyone that will mess up script
mpower ALL CMDS
(guests (not registered) lvl 0) (members (registered) lvl 1) (/makeFvip lvl 2) (/makemod lvl 3) (/makePVIP lvl 4) (/madmin lvl 5) (/mpower lvl 6 (all cmds))


These should help you:

New to scripting
Request Thread
Free Game Modes

Oh and for your sig
Read the M*$&% F*$&%'n Pinned Subjects Before you M*%& F*%&'n Post

You can't expect us to do the work for you :/ that's not how it works

Ask in the script request topic if you want others to do some work for you.

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