
what its wrong when the menu opens and i select the option traveling hit select the dialog closes and nothing happens
anyone have any idea of whats going on?



Everything looks fine in your script.
Maybe 5009 is bigger than the limit for dialogs, maybe try like 509 see if that works.

i have changed the number and still dosent work dialog closes on select and also if i press cancel it closes the connection :S
btw im using a dialog for player Register / login do you think this is affecting?

That would only affect it if the numbers conflicted.

thanks anyways im a mess around and see how to fix it

I looked again can't see anything.
Try putting in print statements for testing.
Or sendclientmessage instead, (I watch the server command line while i test)

so like
pawn Код:
public OnDialogResponse(playerid, dialogid, response, listitem, inputtext[])
    printf("Responce for dialog id %d", dialogid);
    if(dialogid == DIALOGID)
        print("Positive responce on dialog");

well i think i found the bug but im going to sleep well
i made that as a filterscript wich was a test so i could release it it has to work
but in GM i allready defined public ondialog response so im gonna add it to the GM
and see if thats it wich i think it is anyways thanks

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