i want a help with something

Hi, im an amateur scripter so i want someone to help me with creating a house that players can buy and spawn in it with a buyable cars
so plz som1 help!!!
i dont need a house system i just wanna make one

plz anyone help me

you can only bum after 12 hours... Wait

Download script in my singature that is simple house system one line one house example

AddHouse(houseid, Float:iconX, Float:iconY, Float:iconZ, Float:interiorX, Float:interiorY, Float:interiorZ, Cost, Sell, Interior, Virtualworld)
houseid- Always start with 0!
icon- X/Y/Z: Pickup in front of door
interior - X/Y/Z: interior of house, more info here > https://sampwiki.blast.hk/wiki/InteriorIDs
Cost - price of house
Sell - when you sell you will get that amouth of money you will set
Interior - interior of house never set on >0<
Virtualworld - set on 1 or 0 i reccomanded on 0 that is for beginers

open script and use "find" to find onfilterscriptint and add line of house here is example

AddHouse(0, 1442.9769,-629.5287,95.7186, 2317.8201,-1024.7500,1050.2109, 250000, 200000, 9, 0);
AddHouse(1, 1980.9896,-1719.0171,17.0304, 328.1465, 1478.4457,1084.4375, 200000, 150000, 15, 0);

commands for house are....

- /buy
- /sell
- /enter
- /exit
- /lock
- /unlock
- /home
- /rent
- /unrent
- /setrent [0/1] [Cost]
- /getrent
- /payrent
- /housestats
- /house
- /ordercar [carname]

you can make house car too here is example for that

AddHouseCar(1, 429, 1975.3328,-1709.8126,15.9688, 0, 0, 5*60*1000);//5 min respawn delay

good luck this is easy and power house system i have 140 houses on my server and all work exelend also i have alot players, all players love when they can have house

OMG I FORGGET: in script you have MAX_HOUSES set to number you need or some house will not work!

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