errors wont show

I compiled my script it says "unable to compile" , When i gave it to my friend he could compile it and see all the erros.whats up with this :S
Runnning Windows XP Professnional 32 bit

A screenshot would be usefull.

while im here i might aswell ask this, my friend shows me these erros
C:\Users\Tom\Documents\Mes fichiers reзus\GRP(3).pwn(111) : error 017: undefined symbol "ShowPlayerDialog"
C:\Users\Tom\Documents\Mes fichiers reзus\GRP(3).pwn(116) : error 017: undefined symbol "ShowPlayerDialog"
C:\Users\Tom\Documents\Mes fichiers reзus\GRP(3).pwn(199) : warning 235: public function lacks forward declaration (symbol "OnDialogResponse")
C:\Users\Tom\Documents\Mes fichiers reзus\GRP(3).pwn(216) : error 017: undefined symbol "ShowPlayerDialog"
C:\Users\Tom\Documents\Mes fichiers reзus\GRP(3).pwn(352) : error 017: undefined symbol "ShowPlayerDialog"
wat worng?

He doesn't have 0.3 installed.



select proprieties of Pawno and compatiblities and put it running

Windows Vista(Service Pack 2)

and as admin and try again

didnt work, HELP

Originally Posted by DarK_TeaM PT
select proprieties of Pawno and compatiblities and put it running

Windows Vista(Service Pack 2)

and as admin and try again
The problem is not the OS, and if he states that he is running windows XP, there is no Windows Vista(Service Pack 2) compatibility mode. Also, his screenshot shows that he is not running windows xp, but rather windows 7... Evenso, this is not an OS problem.

Might I suggest downloading the newest SAMP server, copying over your script to the pawno folder, opening it from the pawno in that folder(drag the script onto the pawno.exe in that folder). Double clicking will open it in the last pawno.exe the script was opened in. Then recompile the script.

i thought he is using windoes 7 LOL

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