[Help] Is there a way to do that when xStreamer FS unloads...

Is there a way to do that when xStreamer FS unloads it will Destroy All objects that it Spawned in the Script?
here is the Release topic: http://forum.sa-mp.com/index.php?topic=85795.0
Almost no1 looks at the last pages so I ask here....
I know it has to be:
pawn Код:
public OnFilterScriptExit()
    return 1;
but the thing is i dunno what Objectid i need to put so it wil destroy all of them
Please help

for that you must rewrite the whole Script i thing...

Run a loop.

DestroyCreateObjectsByME(); I think I can't remember.. something like that

I believe it's DestroyAllStreamedObjects(), look in the include file.

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