23.01.2010, 00:14
can anyone help me with this ?
Originally Posted by Torran
Pick a random id?
Then on that ids death? Get it to choose a diffrent one? Im not sure quite what your wanting here |
Originally Posted by mansonh
Untested but i think this is what you are looking for.
new President= -1; public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid) { if(President==-1) { President=playerid; } } public OnPlayerDisconnect(playerid, reason) { if(playerid == President) { SelectNewPresident(playerid, "disconnected"); } } public OnPlayerDeath(playerid, killerid, reason) { if(playerid == President) { SelectNewPresident(playerid, "died"); } } stock SelectNewPresident(PreviousPres, reason[]) { new playerid; while(President==PreviousPres) { playerid = Random(MAX_PLAYERS-1); if(IsPlayerConnected(playerid)) { President==playerid; } } new msg[128], new prevName[24], newName[24]; GetPlayerName(PreviousPres, prevName, sizeof(prevName)); GetPlayerName(President, newName, sizeof(newName)); format(msg, sizeof(msg), "President %s has %s, %s has become President", prevName, reason, newName); SendClientMessageToAll(0xDEEE20FF, msg); } |
Originally Posted by KnooL
What do you use to save the players team and ranks?
#include <a_samp>
#define teamA 0
#define teamB 1
new playerTeam[MAX_PLAYERS];//0 teamA , 1 teamB
new sargeants[2]={-1,-1};
//You need to set the players team on spawn or something however you set teams
//use playerTeam[playerid] = //team that you want;
public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid)
//Assuming team has already been chosen
//Only get here if there is no sargeant yet
public OnPlayerDisconnect(playerid, reason)
SelectNewSargent(playerid, "disconnected");
public OnPlayerDeath(playerid, killerid, reason)
SelectNewSargent(playerid, "died");
stock SelectNewSargent(previousSarg, reason[])
new playerid, bestPID=-1, bestPScore=-1, team = playerTeam[previousSarg];
for(playerid=0; playerid<GetMaxPlayers(); playerid++)
if(IsPlayerConnected(playerid) && playerid != previousSarg &&
playerTeam[playerid]==team && GetPlayerScore(playerid) > bestPScore)
bestPID = playerid;
bestPScore = GetPlayerScore(playerid);
new msg[128], prevName[24], newName[24];
GetPlayerName(previousSarg, prevName, sizeof(prevName));
GetPlayerName(bestPID, newName, sizeof(newName));
format(msg, sizeof(msg), "Sargent %s has %s, %s has become Sargent", prevName, reason, newName);
for(playerid=0; playerid<GetMaxPlayers(); playerid++)
if(IsPlayerConnected(playerid) && playerTeam[playerid]==team)
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xDEEE20FF, msg);
}//else Sargent stays Sargent as there are no other members
Originally Posted by mansonh
No i don't its pretty simple.
Add more teams, you can easily create any numbers of teams teams just by assigning aplayer to any team number you want playerTeam[playerid] = 9999999; Then just increase the side of sargents[2] to the max team number+1 many teams you have. Then the code should work. |