25.01.2010, 20:19
About script
This is very simple tuning script that allows you to tune cars if you are mechanic.
/joinm - Only at tuning shop, you have to use this command to become an mechanic!
/addtun - You can add car components, note: to get list of car components visit sa-mp wiki.
/removetun - Allow you to remove tuning parts.
/respray - Will respray the car, note: you can choose colors
/paint - Will add paintjob, note that some paintjobs can crash that's why i disabled some of them
/repair - Repaires the vehicle.
/mcmds - To check all mechanic commands ingame.
/addtun - You can add car components, note: to get list of car components visit sa-mp wiki.
/removetun - Allow you to remove tuning parts.
/respray - Will respray the car, note: you can choose colors

/paint - Will add paintjob, note that some paintjobs can crash that's why i disabled some of them
/repair - Repaires the vehicle.
/mcmds - To check all mechanic commands ingame.
How do i become mechanic ?
You have to get to old factory near blue berry.

****** - sscanf
DracoBlue - DCMD
coceboy(me) - script
Stary - screens
DracoBlue - DCMD
coceboy(me) - script
Stary - screens
If there are some bugs, problems just post in this topic i will try to fix it.