What does all these words mean when I compile?

Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

Header size: 5172 bytes
Code size: 160380 bytes
Data size: 144292 bytes
Stack/heap size: 16384 bytes; estimated max. usage=4534 cells (18136 bytes)
Total requirements: 326228 bytes

Hmm, what's it all about?

This absolutely DOES MATTER.

Running your server in this state is unstable. You either need to decrease your memory usage by using less arrays and re-using them, or use "#pragma dynamic" to increase the allocated memory for your script.

Whatever you do, do not ignore it, as it's definitely NOT a compile success message.

that line...
Stack/heap size: 16384 bytes; estimated max. usage=4534 cells (18136 bytes)
...let me suspect your gamemode consists of some arrays stored and processed in a too large heap-buffer.

the code uses 160k, and its data another 144k, thats ok imo, much players needs much data stored ^^

i would think about browsing through the entire script, and fix all name/textdraw/chat stringsizes (1-dimensional arrays), like those...
new string[256];
.. and lower them to the proper size, f.ex [128] for chatmessages,
count the textdraw's textsizes (incl the "~n~~b~~h~(%d) %s" etc) to fit (almost) exactly.
strings are using ascii code, which uses 1 byte only per character. that wont lower the buffer usage that much i guess.

i believe those 4-bytes consuming values are the key - this line...
static WeaponToSell[MAX_PLAYERS][20][2];
... which is a 3dimensional array, that can grow up pretty fast, if u raise 1 value.
18136/4534=4 bytes. so watch out especially out for integer values stored inside (like my WeaponToSell[][][] does),
like Money, Prices, Amounts of anything that can be "displayed" by a numeric value...


Add this at the top of your mode:

#pragma dynamic 100000

ive the same problem but mine is more how much should i put and how to calculate ??

Pawn compiler 3.2.3664	 	 	Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

Header size:     12100 bytes
Code size:     1549520 bytes
Data size:     5472880 bytes
Stack/heap size:   16384 bytes; estimated max. usage=4435 cells (17740 bytes)
Total requirements: 7050884 bytes

first of all . that's not a problem that's normal compile , the only problem its showing that because u r using a very big string like : new string[1200];

yeah but anyway is bad i know what is bad on my script im correcting strings but anyway i would like know how to calculate the Dynamic

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