Hosting problem

Recently i bought a host,i can acces it with ftp(filezila) and gamecp.
The server runs Linux.
After i upload a gamemode on host i go to gamecp ,modify the line gamemodes0 lvdm1 with gamemodes0 FunBase 1
Then i restart the server and it didn't works
P.S : Where i can put includes files like utils,a_samp ,midostream.i NEED those includes

Originally Posted by Jo1Nt
modify the line gamemodes0 lvdm1 with gamemodes0 FunBase 1
It's gamemode0 and not gamemodes0

my bad ,gamemode0 .Any solution?
P.S: lvdm 1 works!
When i try to use an other gamemode it doesent works
I think i just need to add some important includes,but where?

most hosters don't let you have included in the server

includes arent required to run a server, only to compile the gamemode
Originally Posted by The_Real_Blueberry{Inactive}
most hosters don't let you have included in the server
most hosters do allow you to upload include files, just use a ftp client or file manager if its available on your control panel
like i said though, includes wont change anything, they're only needed for compilation

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