Help me with the Gamemode and other.

Hello everyone, I have a problem with the gamemode, I modify all the text in my language and give it every save, when rebooting the server, I get everything back in English, I just want to know if anyone can explain me how to compile the PWN file to pass to AMX ...

Another thing I want to know, how do I put a text on my server for example: "You're playing SAMP Army Ranger"

I hope any urderstand me, i speak little english. Greetings.

-_Army Ranger_-

Make sure if you saved it in a different place, copy the AMX and change the name in Server.cfg. Also for the text, use a textdraw.

Originally Posted by [HiC
TheKiller ]
Make sure if you saved it in a different place, copy the AMX and change the name in Server.cfg. Also for the text, use a textdraw.
I don't urderstand, You could explain it better please?

If you GMXed:
1) Overwrite your AMX file
2) GMX again

If you manually restarted the server:
1) Change the file name (if you want)
2) Update the server.cfg (if you followed step 1)
3) Restart again!

Originally Posted by CalgonX
If you GMXed:
1) Overwrite your AMX file
2) GMX again

If you manually restarted the server:
1) Change the file name (if you want)
2) Update the server.cfg (if you followed step 1)
3) Restart again!
But with what program? Please, help me.

Each windows server package comes with something called pawno. use it

Originally Posted by iLinx
Each windows server package comes with something called pawno. use it
I want to compile a file, when I open it with Pawn. I give F5 and I do not work

Firstly the main thing, before attempting to do any of that textdraw you mentioned about "You Are Playing Army Ranger". Please, read some completed scripts to get a bit of knowledge on scripting

Secondly, open your server package, go to server.cfg and on the line where it says Gamemode ldvm. change that to your game modes script name, example "Gamemode crp"

Also open your script in Pawno, then click Compile at the top, when thats done (without errors/warnings) you should then see <gamemodescriptname>.amx in your Gamemodes folder

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