Retrieving info...

It happens with every kind of port, not just 7777, like most. if i go to the 'internet' tab some servers come up, 90% are empty but servers come up, i can connect to those and play. If I add a server from the 'internet' list to my favorites it will give me the info always. But if I add a ip i found from this site, or any other site, it says 'retrieving info...' forever. I turned off my anti virus and firewall, nothing helped. Any other possible solutions? Thanks.

I'm also on Windows 7. I'm not completely sure if that makes a difference.

It sounds like the simple issue of adding the IP incorrectly, I can't think of any other reasonable explanation since it works when adding it from the internet generated listings.

Make sure when you copy and paste it that there's no spaces, and the IP and port are seperated by ':' without the quotes.

To be 100% sure it's not a paste fail, type it in manually.

Also of course make sure the server that you're adding is actually still active.

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