Server Having problems Out of ideas??

Hi I am having a really bad problem With my server being dosed .It all started one day a guy come in spammed his server ip and website then i banned him...From there

the next day they I noticed 3 people log onto the server with the same ip then boom server restarts so i banned them and server did not restart again .I checked ip and

was same range as guy who spammed his server ip .About 6 hours later i recived a message 3 people had loged on same ip again soo as i got in server it was restarted

then before i could ban them it restarted 6 times loosing 40 players .So I range banned him that was 2 days ago .Now today same thing 3 playes log on same ip this

time ther ip range was from Brazil so i banned again after server restarted (was fine last 2 days not 1 restart) .Then a hour later 3 guys log on again same ip this time

Germany range .....server restarted i banned them .Now 5 min ago from me writing this 3 people just loged in same ip server restarted i banned and checked ip range

from Egypt now im not sure what i can do here to stop this .Im almost sure its from being ddosed because my server host sent me a message saying my server was

using 85% cpu can any one help me ...and is there a person i can report this guy with a server to i have lots of proof ?

If you read this sorry for my grammar And thanks for taking the time to read .RobMob

Just ban their ip addres on samp-server.exe: Type down "players" find their name look at ip and do banip []

Thats my problem i did this all ready over 5 times i even did a range ban then they started using different country`s ip`s some how

ok so today the guy come back and and admitted he was from another server and said hes going to hack me untill i shut my server and website down .he crashed my server about 10 times with over 30 ppl then come on my forums and that was and changed it so when u go there it says owned by haxinabox then he changed my server name to owned by haxinabox and sent me a email saying he just getting started shut my server down or he wont stop i dont know what to do i need help bad what do i do please someone help me

Shouldn't the owners of SA-MP do something about this?

Originally Posted by [SF
Ryan ]
Shouldn't the owners of SA-MP do something about this?
What can they do?

Originally Posted by [HiC
TheKiller ]
What can they do?
Something atleast.

Originally Posted by [HiC
TheKiller ]
What can they do?
They should do something because the person that's hacking him is from another server. Maybe find out who it is and shut down there forums and server for harassing a server from the hosted tab. Rob shouldn't have to put up with this because hes paying $100 a month for the forums and $150 a month to have the server on the hosted tab. That's $250 of his hard earned money that hes putting into his server every month.


Originally Posted by [SF
Ryan ]

Originally Posted by [HiC
TheKiller ]
What can they do?
hes paying $100 a month for the forums
That's a sad ripoff.

Well maybe you should tell him that.

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