09.01.2010, 09:37
Hello, this is my 3rd release.
This is a admin script with 26 commands!.
Version 2!
Version 2 is out, with admin level system
If you are Rcon logged in, use /makeadmin to make players admin.
Adminlevel 1 and 2 are used use /ah ingame to see all commands you can do.
PS: If you are Rcon logged in you can automaticly use all the commands.
/car added
/report added
/givewep added
/setmoney added
/car==>To spawn a vehicle.
/givewep==>To give a player a weapon.
/setmoney==>To set the money of the player.
/report==>To report a player who doesn't follow the rules.
/makeadmin==>For Rcon admins only,make a Player admin(level 1 and 2 admin)
/explode==> Creates a explode at the chosen player.
/sexplode==>Creates a explode at the chosen player without he knows who did it.
/mute==>Mutes the chosen player, he can't speak anymore
/unmute==>Unmutes the chosen player, he can speak again.
/freeze==>Freezes the chosen player,he can't move anymore.
/unfreeze==>Unfreezes the chosen player, he can move again.
/goto==>Teleport to the chosen player.
/gethere==>Teleport the chosen player to you
/jail==>Put the chosen player in jail,you reset his weapons.
/unjail==>Unjails the chosen player.
/mypos==> (everyone can do this command)You can see you'r exact position.
/setscore==>Sets the chosen player to the chosen score.
/slap==>slaps the chosen player.
/sslap==>Slaps the chosen player with he knows who did.
/ban==> Bans the player from you'r server.
/kick==> Kicks the player from you'r server.
/ah==> To view all this commands in game.
/spec==>To view what a player is doing.
/specoff==> To turn specing off.
/admins==> To view all admins that are online.
More commands coming soon!
I only know 1 bug so far,
If you type /admins you only see the last 3 letters or numbers from a admins name.
I really don't know how to fix this so any help is accepted.

And If you compile it, you got 1 warning, just ignore it.
Please If you find more bugs, report them to my, i will fix as soon as possible

^^Some bugs fixed^^