Connect to your server with debugmode?

Hey guys. I'm making a server of my own and I want to access it in Debug Mode. So when I open debug mode, do I click "Launch Debug" or "Connect to localhost"? When I click on Launch Debug, it has nothing to do with my server. When I click connect to localhost, nothing is different.


Download SA-MP Windows Server:
SA-MP 0.3a R4 Windows Server

And Check the Tutorial How to make an Server?SA-MP Wiki

Thanks but I already have the server up and running :P I just can't access it in debug mode.

That's because debug mode creates a empty sa-mp server.
What do you want to do in the server? Create objects? Create cars? Create NPC's?

Originally Posted by darkrider366
That's because debug mode creates a empty sa-mp server.
What do you want to do in the server? Create objects? Create cars? Create NPC's?
He means how to run it by When no is in server -.-

You can by adding this Local IP in SA-MP: Port usually is 7777
And dont forget to run samp-server.exe AND DONT CLOSE IT!!

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