Converting A Map From MTA > SA:MP?

Hi, a few months ago, I heard there was a way to convert SAMP maps to MTA. Well, I want the complete reverse in this case. I just fiddled around with MTA's map editor and its pretty good. I wanted to create a map in that editor, then convert the files to SA-MP. Is that possible?


Use the search button, this question is answered atleast 5 times a week.

this is faster

That one cant convert MTA DM WITH CARS

So let me gets this right Joe/Skulls.

This means, I can put what ever I like on MTA's map editor onto a map, with the objects, move them around where I like etc etc... And just convert it? And no problems will apear? No glitchs or things all over the place?

yeah you can put everything you want.but remember dont make pickup as a CreateObject .Use CreatePickup

I do have one last question, that probbally dosn't realate to the original question.

How many objects is the limit before "lag" starts to happen when players get to gether on one locations? I was thinking on adding around 100-200 tree objects per setting. Plus a few rocks, mountains etc etc. Would it create lag if the players where near these objects? Becuase while I was creating it, and playing on the map... I had no lag what so ever. But what about when real players come along?

My question is, what is the object limit before lag apears.


GTAPOD, you need this Old converter

It will completely change your files into a self running game mod .While using that converter don't forget to tick self running gamemode in adjust setting menu and once you done just copy the code from that converter and now open pawno exe from your server and start a new file and just paste these files into that and save that file and compile them. Now you have your own game mode and Anything you wanna test just do it and come here again and then ask what is missing or lagging or object limit.
I am also a newbie to SAMP and this helped me a lot and I hope this will definately help you.
Happy mapping!

If you have more then (i thought) 250 objects your server will crash.
To create more you need a object streamer.

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