.:GTA: SA Executable STILL Not Found:.

I have copy pasted the desktop link to GTA:SA to the same folder where the SA-MP files are and it won't let me open servers. The error says it can not find an executable file.

I'm running Windows XP, and I have a dimension e520

Make sure you set your directory under options...

We need more detail on your error.
But first.
Make sure the samp.exe and gta_sa.exe is inside your GTA folder.
You may have moved the actual Executable to the desktop not the shortcut.

open by the the exe file?X_X

I have the same problem but im running on windows 7 :S:S

You guys need to make sure you set the right directory, and make sure there are no blocks on gta_sa.exe
Can you run single player? If you can you most likely have the wrong folder set in the options...

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