28.02.2008, 19:06
[FS]ServerStats Saver [V 2.0]
What Is It:
This Filterscript can save some statistics of your server and about the usage of vehicles in your server.
GlobalStats will get saved in a file ServerStats.txt (you can change filename if you want)
VehicleStats will get saved in file VehicleStats.txt (you can also change this filename if you want)
You can see the stats ingame or in the console. (VehicleStats only in console)
The VehicleStats will show only the types that are used.
Which stats will get saved?
- Total ServerRestarts
- Total Visits
- Total Timeouts
- Total Kicks/Bans
- Total Deaths
- Total Kills
- Total Vehicles Used <<== NEW!!
- Total Vehicles Destroyed
- Total Commands used
- Total Chatmessages sent
- Total Privatemessages sent
- Total Time the server has been online (days, hours, minutes seconds)
- How many times each vehicle-type is used
Any Commands Available?
- /serverstats
- /resetserverstats (rcon admin only)
- /resetvehiclestats (rcon admin only) <<== NEW!!
- serverstats
- resetserverstats
- vehiclestats <<== NEW!!
- resetvehiclestats <<== NEW!!
There are 6 things you can change (on top of the filterscript line 9, 10 & 11)
Stats will get saved when the filterscript gets unloaded.
You can also enable a timer which saves the serverstats regular.
new SavingFrequency = 30;
If you (don't) want to save the total time your server has been online, you can enable or disable this function by changing:
new SaveTotalTimeOnline = 1;
You can change is the name of the file where the Global-stats will get saved in.
#define StatsFile "ServerStats.txt"
You can change is the name of the file where the Vehicle-stats will get saved in.
#define VehicleStatsFile "VehicleStats.txt"
If you don't want the filterscript to save vehiclestats change
new SaveVehicleStats = 1;
You can let this Filterscript save the vehicestats regular.
new VehicleSavingFrequency = 600;
Warning: While vehiclestats are getting saved, the server may lag for a few seconds!!!
Any Screens??
Global Statistics:
Vehicle Statistics:
[V 2.0]
==>> ServerStats.pwn
==>> ServerStats.amx
==>> .pwn mirror R@f
==>> .amx mirror R@f
[V 1.0]
==>> ServerStatSaver.rar (MediaFire)
==>> Mirror by R@f
You will need Dini & Dutils
I added those includes to the [V 1.0] .rar file
Please Comment:
- Please give positive or negative comments about this filterscript
- If you find a bug, please report it here.
- Do you have suggestions or other questions, you can post them here.
I hope you like this FilterScript.
If you're going to use it, please give me credits.