[Help!] Game stops streaming in the middle of everything.

1) SA-MP version. - .3a
2) Windows version. - Vista
3) Video card type. - Nivida 8600
3) IP:Port (if any) of the server you are trying to play on. - 4100
4) If you are crashing, paste the crash report in your post and say when the crash occurs. - Not crashing, but once and a while get a error in game that states "Warning: Car XXX was not deleted"
5) If you are crashing loading SA-MP, please say whether GTA:SA single player works (test it). - Yes
6) Do you have any other GTA:SA mods installed? e.g. new vehicles. - None

My problem is that when i load in to the server, cars and pickups start to load and then just stop. It is unknown why they just stop, but then nothing else will stream into the server. It does not cause text lag, but I cant see cars or other people in the server, only their text. I have reinstalled GTA SA to try to resolve this problem but it has not. I have screen shots of the f5 window to tell me my connection speed and everything, and one shows good connection status when i first load, but after about 21 cars load then it just stops. I seem to be the only one having this problem on the server. I also seem to have better internet connection then many on this server, so that eliminates the internet speed problem. I am using wireless internet, and have actually port forwarded that port to get rid of the router possibly blocking the connection on that port. I use norton 360 for my anti virus. Does anyone know how to fix this problem?

***Note I will upload the screen shots when i get home, they are not on this computer.***

Ok im back with the images. The first image is when it seems to be running fine and loading everything, the second image is when it decides to take a crap (about 1 minuet later)

I hope someone here can answer why this is doing this, i would really like to play the server

It seems that your upload/download speed descreases after some time. I don't know if this is because of samp

Its does decrease, pretty rapidly ... is there a known cause of this. Could it be server side or client side problems?

Maybe your connection issen't able to stream at the same speed, wich means that it decreases because of the big amount of data.

Possible, but unsure

Whats the version of the server that you are getting those issues on?

Originally Posted by dugi
Whats the version of the server that you are getting those issues on?
SAMP .3a

One player (on my server) has same problem ...

He does not see that he writes ... and after 10 or 15 minutes, lot of message 'Vehicle ... was not deleted' ... and he can see that he writes but after 1 minute ... lag ^^

How to fix this ?


Sorry for bumping but i have the same problem these days.

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