04.12.2009, 21:12
I found a little problem for me on my server. When a player isnt admin, if he sends a message only he sees it. If a player is an admin its fine, i'm using SeifAdmin but its a little bit modified (i am using a code to make admins talk a different color)
here's the thing that happens
Heres what happens without admin:
It goes as >> Message
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Heres what happens with admin:
It's fine with admin.
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I get the same error with PMs, but this happens with or without admin:
public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[]) { new cmd[128]; new tmp[128]; new idx; if(AccountInfo[playerid][AdminLevel] >= 1) { GetPlayerName(playerid,name,sizeof name); format(txt,512,"%s: %s",name,text); SendClientMessageToAll(GREEN,txt); return 0; }
Heres what happens without admin:
It goes as >> Message
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Heres what happens with admin:
It's fine with admin.
__________________________________________________ _________________
I get the same error with PMs, but this happens with or without admin: