gate open from skins

How can I make this scripting "automatic gate" to be able to add that only some skins gates to open, for example (skin 288, 281, 282, 283) ?

public CheckAPGates()
	for(new i=0; i<MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
		if (IsPlayerConnected(i)) {
		  new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z;
			GetPlayerPos(i, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z);

			if (PlayerToPoint(30.0, i, 15980.288696, -16387.887085, 14.706839))
				MoveObject(lsgate, 15987.288696, -16387.887085, 14.706839, 4);
				SetTimerEx("CloseAPGate", 1000, 0, "ii", 4, i);

pawn Код:
if (PlayerToPoint(30.0, i, 15980.288696, -16387.887085, 14.706839))
    new skin = GetPlayerSkin(playerid);
    if((skin == 288) || (skin == 281) || (skin == 282) || (skin == 283))
        MoveObject(lsgate, 15987.288696, -16387.887085, 14.706839, 4);
        SetTimerEx("CloseAPGate", 1000, 0, "ii", 4, i);

C:\Users\Log1teCk\Downloads\samp03asvr_R3_win32\fi lterscripts\basic.pwn(324) : error 017: undefined symbol "playerid" what can do now?

If you want everything made for you, you wont learn scripting.
And If you want someone else to do the whole thing for you, look in the Script request thread.

pawn Код:
if (PlayerToPoint(30.0, i, 15980.288696, -16387.887085, 14.706839)) //Is the player at the gate?
{ //If yes, then:
    new skin = GetPlayerSkin(playerid); //"skin" now gets the player's skin ID.
    if((skin == 288) || (skin == 281) || (skin == 282) || (skin == 283)) //Does the player have the right skin?
    { //If yes, then:
        MoveObject(lsgate, 15987.288696, -16387.887085, 14.706839, 4);
        SetTimerEx("CloseAPGate", 1000, 0, "ii", 4, i);
Ah yea, and use public "CheckAPGates(playerid)".

Use IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint-function, it's faster than PlayerToPoint:

i test this but all the gates are opening for all skins... is not a restriction for selected skins... why?

if(GetPlayerSkin(playerid) == 287)
Now code it further yourself.

thanks, it's working, now we have a dilemma related to how I could make the barrier to be opened by KEY_HORN when you press "h" or Caps Lock "

Originally Posted by Log1teCk
thanks, it's working, now we have a dilemma related to how I could make the barrier to be opened by KEY_HORN when you press "h" or Caps Lock "
nice to hear u got it working

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