[FilterScript] [FS] Carrier69 Ship Entrance

My Second FS, made it together with a Friend, hes helping me out much. (Thank you MadeMan)
Actually a Very Simple Script.

1 Gate, at the Back (ship Dock) of the Carrier69.
The gate will ONLY open if you have Army skin (skin id 287) AND when you are close enough.
So, like i said, Very simple Script.

a Small Screenshot:

Please Comment!!!!!!

Nice but if your using the new MTA 1.0.2 theirs an actual Carrier back door you can use, which fits accuretly

im not using that one, i currently use the V1.0.0 as the V1.0.2 crashed all the time xD

ONOZ, what have you done and why there?? That gate doesnt rly fit in there..

it actually Fits Sayaron.
its a nice location as some people use it.

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