Simple Away System v1.2 (SAS)
Well .. quite simply .. it's a simple away system. Used on your server, it allows players to let other players know when they are going AFK. With some advanced features for Administrators, this script should be all you need. The script is in beta and will be updated to include more advanced features as the build continues. Please report any bugs as explained below.
Commands and Explanations
/away - When used it will freeze the player and send a message to other player letting them know this player is going AFK. It will also add the player to the away list.
/back - Will unfreeze the player, send a message to other players letting them know the player is back, and will remove them from the away list.
/awaylist - When used, will list all players by name and ID, that are currently away.
/deny [ID] - When used by an RCON Administrator, it will disallow the selected player to use the /away command (useful for people who abuse it for example).
/allow [ID] - Reverses the effects of /deny.
/toggleaway - When used by an RCON Administrator, this will toggle the use of /away on and off.
However, players are still able to use /back otherwise it would cause bugs for players who are /away at the time this command is used.
New in v1.1
/denied - For Administrators, shows a list of all players currently being denied.
/resetaway [ID] - For Administrators, resets a players away status.
AFK status is automatically reset when a player uses mainchat.
When a player uses /away, a 3D label will appear above his/her head to let other players know they are AFK.
Awesome! Where do I get it?!
Well I was hoping you'd say that.
Version 1.0 downloads
PlayLSX Mirror
Version 1.1 downloads
PlayLSX Mirror
Version 1.2 downloads Latest!
PlayLSX Mirror
I've found a bug!
Please report all bugs (no matter how trivial) to our bug tracker
Report a bug
Thanks, look out for updates, and enjoy!
** Initial release.
* Added /denied for admins to view players that are being denied from using the /away command.
* Added /resetaway for admins, when used, the selected player ID will be brought out of AFK.
* Added 3D Text Labels to players whom are AFK.
* Stopped players (admins exempt) using commands other than /back when /away.
* AFK status is now automatically reset when a player types in mainchat.
* Fixed some missing code in /denied - Now only works for Admins.
This script is not to be modified in any way without my permission, no credits are to be removed.