[FILTERSCRIPT]Unknown command but Loads?

Well i've been working on a Filterscript recently, but what happens is i add it too Server.cfg bla bla launch samp_server.exe it says that Cun3oAdminSystem.amx has loaded but when i seem to enter the server nothing works for some strange reason, i've checked the Server_log.txt and theirs nothing there, and i've checked through the script and cant seem to find anything stopping it.

maybe you should say us what is not working, and show us the script.

Thats the thing NOTHING is working...

You made a mistake in brackets.

Originally Posted by E-Max
You made a mistake in brackets.
That's his signature, genius.

He hasn't shown any code yet, which would really help in understanding his problem.

Unknow command arises mostly from staples.

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