Pawno Doesnt Save Any File

All is said in the title whenever i make a script and compile it i cant locate it ANYWHERE. example screenshot:
[img width=1024 height=616]/imageshack/img6/494/sampprob1.png[/img]

Oh and please dont reply saying:

Search your gamemodes directory

cuz i already tried that and it didnt save at that directory so i decided to compile and save at the pawno directory but it still doesnt appear

Same goes for filterscripts i just downloaded patchkinsons AFK System and copy pasted it into Filterscripts directory but when i try to open it i cant find it in the filterscripts directory please help i cant script/make a server with this

Click on " Files " (it up on Pawno.exe) then click " Save as " you will see like this

It will save on Desktop.

Thanks its working.

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