Vehicle Color and PaintJob

I was wondering is there any function in SA-MP what he knows what the player has a color on a car like GetVehcileColor (vehicleid, color1, color2);?

And how do I set up when the player has paint job as it will give away HAT know it's paint job or a function DeletePaintJob (vehicleid, paintjob);

Thanks for the responses include no such can not find

Sorry for my bad english

Paintjobs are 0 1 2 and 255. 255 = no paintjob.

Thank you for your reply, but somehow it does not work. When you set PaintJob at 255 so nothing happens. Not know what it is I want it to version 0.3

ChangeVehiclePaintjob(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid), 255);
SetPlayerCameraPos(playerid, 837.3944,364.2856,21.2344);
Info[playerid][PTimer] = 3;

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