[Map] [MAP] Construction at Highway. Los Santos.

Construction at Los Santos Highway.
Hey guys!
This is my first release of my tons of maps. I've made alot of maps, but this is my first public release!
Feel free to comment on it, both bad and good things, so I can be better, and improve my maps!

Also, feel free to PM me about a suggestion for a cool map, I might give it a shot, and try. As I'm kinda bored at the moment, waiting for my scripters to be done with our new script. (;


Object Codes:
CreateObject(1424, 2173.6689453125, -1533.8471679688, 1.7872961759567, 0.000000, 0.000000, 59.5458984375); //
CreateObject(1424, 2172.2253417969, -1535.5712890625, 1.7872961759567, 0.000000, 0.000000, 35.725891113281); //
CreateObject(1424, 2170.2219238281, -1536.6021728516, 1.7872961759567, 0.000000, 0.000000, 15.872039794922); //
CreateObject(1424, 2168.0368652344, -1536.9282226563, 1.8122961521149, 0.000000, 0.000000, 3.9597473144531); //
CreateObject(1422, 2165.5285644531, -1536.3103027344, 1.699428319931, 0.000000, 0.000000, 336.17999267578); //
CreateObject(1422, 2162.7353515625, -1535.0081787109, 1.699428319931, 0.000000, 0.000000, 334.19116210938); //
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CreateObject(1422, 2157.3393554688, -1532.2998046875, 1.699428319931, 0.000000, 0.000000, 334.18762207031); //
CreateObject(1422, 2155.1057128906, -1530.5180664063, 1.699428319931, 0.000000, 0.000000, 308.3828125); //
CreateObject(1424, 2153.8759765625, -1528.0855712891, 1.9622960090637, 1.9849853515625, 0.000000, 290.51007080078); //
CreateObject(1424, 2153.3818359375, -1526.0317382813, 1.9622960090637, 1.9830322265625, 0.000000, 284.55102539063); //
CreateObject(1424, 2153.5983886719, -1523.7604980469, 2.0372960567474, 1.9775390625, 3.9700012207031, 246.8310546875); //
CreateObject(1424, 2153.3090820313, -1521.9858398438, 2.1622965335846, 1.9720458984375, 3.966064453125, 294.46954345703); //
CreateObject(1437, 2165.94140625, -1525.4912109375, 8.9161882400513, 296.47705078125, 356.02844238281, 328.23852539063); //
CreateObject(3867, 2158.9460449219, -1515.966796875, 13.314764022827, 0.000000, 0.000000, 336.18005371094); //
CreateObject(1426, 2165.2243652344, -1527.2805175781, 1.5910264253616, 0.000000, 0.000000, 334.19482421875); //
CreateObject(1426, 2165.2236328125, -1527.2802734375, 5.1660380363464, 0.000000, 0.000000, 334.19482421875); //
CreateObject(1436, 2167.7907714844, -1519.8271484375, 11.358335494995, 0.000000, 0.000000, 65.505004882813); //
CreateObject(1436, 2167.7900390625, -1519.8271484375, 14.458288192749, 0.000000, 0.000000, 65.50048828125); //
CreateObject(1437, 2167.9079589844, -1519.1350097656, 15.930080413818, 356.02661132813, 1.9833984375, 74.677947998047); //
CreateObject(1437, 2162.1115722656, -1518.06640625, 19.380027770996, 354.03637695313, 356.02294921875, 337.4118347168); //
CreateObject(3260, 2167.0314941406, -1526.7666015625, 8.7705135345459, 290.52499389648, 0.000000, 326.25500488281); //
CreateObject(3260, 2168.3366699219, -1524.9252929688, 9.5955009460449, 282.58251953125, 3.9700012207031, 330.21997070313); //
CreateObject(3567, 2161.7819824219, -1529.7468261719, 2.2332262992859, 0.000000, 0.000000, 54.505004882813); //
CreateObject(1685, 2167.8896484375, -1534.2232666016, 3.8657691478729, 0.000000, 0.000000, 323.06500244141); //
CreateObject(2890, 2157.2019042969, -1526.5402832031, 3.1157691478729, 0.000000, 0.000000, 53.595001220703); //
CreateObject(2890, 2169.9482421875, -1506.5810546875, 22.988107681274, 0.000000, 0.000000, 359.99450683594); //
CreateObject(944, 2153.2331542969, -1513.349609375, 26.548795700073, 0.000000, 0.000000, 141.15502929688); //
Please give a comment, and tell me what you like, and dislike, remember to submit some suggestions for new maps!


great idea^^
i think its cool cuz that could be really like that^^

Thank you.

And yeah, I though about that.

Nice for roleplay.
Add NPC's

It'll be good for Roleplay. And for races

i dont like it its a big highway and than that lil thing

nice idea and nice work!

It looks like Rockstar themselves made it

Nice one

Keep up the good work

Thank you.

You're welcome to suggest some ideas, for a new map, as I'm currently out of ideas, and I still want to improve my proness

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