help with hourly payday

i have scripted a basic timer based payday and it works just fine but it needs the server to be on an hour before it pays out.

what i need to know is how to make it pay on the hour even if i have just turned the server on if thats possible

it is proply something really easy but i just can seem to work it out and every time i search for help on here i dont really get much that can help

sorry to be a pain and if someone has better luck in the search then can you please post a link and i will take it from there


cool. To do that, you need to have some sort of...uhm...clock...well...A function could do...

If you're using levels then you could do some sort of a new random..
Like level 1 gets a random between 200 and 800.
Level 2 gets a random between 800 and 2000.

But don't ask me how to do it I can't, but I know that this could be the way to do it.

If you want to do it like every hour, you can use "gettime", too. I guess that would be MUCH easier than creating a timer.

(btw: Do you know how to use "gettime"? It is made like this: gettime(hour, minute, second). hour, minute and second should be variables, where
the time gets stored.)

Just check, for example "hour" if its 0, 1, 2, .... etc... and it should work


thanks DeathOnaStick i will have a go at that for sure sounds like the way i need to be going


If you're using levels then you could do some sort of a new random..
Like level 1 gets a random between 200 and 800.
Level 2 gets a random between 800 and 2000.

But don't ask me how to do it I can't, but I know that this could be the way to do it.

i do use levels and my payday is for level one you get $500 then at level two you get $1000 IE:-

basepay is $500

so it's basepay multiplyed by player level

level 0 $0.00 an hour
level 1 $500.00 an hour
level 2 $1000.00 an hour
and so on

it was done this way to encorage players to get more EXP and to keep the game moving so to speak

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