[Map] [MAP] Hospital (Interior)

-{Hospital Interior}-

By Benne

  • Introduction
  • Objects
  • Screenshots
  • Installing
This script are mostly made for roleplay servers, but could we nice for other servers as well. There are 6 rooms in this interior, a living room, a dining room, operation room with some beds and stuff, and in the last three rooms there are also beds and stuff. The objects are placed above the water right outside the east coast, and to help you a bit finding it, I will give you the coordinates: {4060.2734,-196.4038,59.2456} (x,y,z) Interior: 0.
By the way, this is my first or second interior I made with the new MTA and for SA:MP.

pawn Code:
CreateObject(14594, 4080.4721679688, -208.1710357666, 58.229988098145, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(5066, 4059.0007324219, -197.34440612793, 59.857975006104, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(3034, 4059.0961914063, -195.83660888672, 62.290416717529, 0, 0, 90.045043945313);
CreateObject(3922, 4046.6953125, -214.1363067627, 58.245613098145, 0, 359.5, 357.5);
CreateObject(3922, 4043.923828125, -214.48542785645, 58.245613098145, 0, 359.49462890625, 357.4951171875);
CreateObject(3922, 4043.9951171875, -222.60987854004, 58.245613098145, 0, 359.49462890625, 357.4951171875);
CreateObject(2026, 4048.6354980469, -225.49131774902, 62.864559173584, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2572, 4057.5544433594, -220.24462890625, 58.245613098145, 0, 0, 267.97497558594);
CreateObject(1789, 4050.4821777344, -230.3229675293, 58.80179977417, 0, 0, 181.34996032715);
CreateObject(2099, 4058.8269042969, -226.9634552002, 58.245613098145, 0, 0, 269.39495849609);
CreateObject(2131, 4054.6306152344, -233.3002166748, 58.237804412842, 0, 0, 179.36492919922);
CreateObject(2132, 4056.6018066406, -233.28608703613, 58.237800598145, 0, 0, 180.59996032715);
CreateObject(2131, 4058.5798339844, -233.29042053223, 58.237804412842, 0, 0, 179.36279296875);
CreateObject(2147, 4059.5529785156, -233.29629516602, 58.237800598145, 0, 0, 180.5849609375);
CreateObject(2232, 4058.4345703125, -214.02922058105, 58.843490600586, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2232, 4060.0512695313, -230.56239318848, 58.843490600586, 0, 0, 312.35998535156);
CreateObject(2344, 4076.4792480469, -194.21398925781, 59.680229187012, 260.75, 3.9700012207031, 267.18994140625);
CreateObject(2344, 4076.4873046875, -196.64836120605, 59.680229187012, 260.74951171875, 3.966064453125, 267.1875);
CreateObject(2344, 4076.4660644531, -199.47735595703, 59.680229187012, 260.74951171875, 3.966064453125, 267.1875);
CreateObject(2564, 4078.9208984375, -196.96781921387, 58.245613098145, 0, 0, 89.325012207031);
CreateObject(2564, 4078.8977050781, -201.6619720459, 58.245613098145, 0, 0, 89.324340820313);
CreateObject(2596, 4082.5207519531, -200.78521728516, 61.281921386719, 0, 0, 231.77502441406);
CreateObject(2828, 4076.8029785156, -192.0191192627, 58.702159881592, 0, 0, 228.27502441406);
CreateObject(2564, 4095.6376953125, -185.2103729248, 58.245613098145, 0, 0, 359.99932861328);
CreateObject(14806, 4097.9453125, -191.9757232666, 59.331634521484, 0, 0, 178.65002441406);
CreateObject(1771, 4100.1059570313, -201.18411254883, 58.879280090332, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(1771, 4105.35546875, -201.12174987793, 58.879280090332, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(1771, 4102.8598632813, -201.19386291504, 58.879280090332, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(1771, 4096.8549804688, -201.07974243164, 58.879280090332, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(1771, 4098.4379882813, -194.5563659668, 58.879280090332, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(1771, 4101.439453125, -194.42791748047, 58.879280090332, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(1771, 4104.1875, -194.40509033203, 58.879280090332, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(1771, 4107.234375, -194.45928955078, 58.879280090332, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(1808, 4094.6752929688, -221.07516479492, 58.245613098145, 0, 0, 92.545013427734);
CreateObject(2100, 4094.58984375, -223.80686950684, 58.245613098145, 0, 0, 89.525024414063);
CreateObject(2186, 4098.2724609375, -215.54257202148, 58.245613098145, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2297, 4107.083984375, -215.20422363281, 58.245613098145, 0, 0, 266.43566894531);
CreateObject(2630, 4097.26171875, -226.8779296875, 58.245613098145, 0, 0, 178.69036865234);
CreateObject(2631, 4098.2514648438, -226.84799194336, 58.19193649292, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2630, 4099.162109375, -226.79997253418, 58.245613098145, 0, 0, 178.68713378906);
CreateObject(2632, 4101.5078125, -226.52931213379, 58.291942596436, 0, 0, 90.060028076172);
CreateObject(1709, 4107.5668945313, -220.78649902344, 58.245613098145, 0, 0, 182.62005615234);
CreateObject(1710, 4101.685546875, -219.1343536377, 58.245613098145, 0, 0, 89.324981689453);
CreateObject(1742, 4108.4926757813, -225.48719787598, 58.245613098145, 0, 0, 270.64562988281);
CreateObject(16378, 4062.8662109375, -192.66554260254, 58.999740600586, 0, 0, 359.21569824219);
CreateObject(2564, 4064.1005859375, -224.14543151855, 58.245613098145, 0, 0, 359.99450683594);
CreateObject(2564, 4069.5874023438, -224.14515686035, 58.245613098145, 0, 0, 359.99450683594);
CreateObject(2564, 4075.1149902344, -224.11814880371, 58.245613098145, 0, 0, 359.99450683594);
CreateObject(2146, 4068.3103027344, -203.58563232422, 58.731163024902, 0, 0, 270.67498779297);
CreateObject(2146, 4073.8225097656, -203.59141540527, 58.731163024902, 0, 0, 270.67016601563);
CreateObject(2146, 4080.8212890625, -203.56219482422, 58.731163024902, 0, 0, 270.67016601563);
CreateObject(2146, 4089.1538085938, -225.7571105957, 58.723350524902, 0, 0, 89.325012207031);
CreateObject(2146, 4088.9338378906, -230.33435058594, 58.723350524902, 0, 0, 89.324340820313);
CreateObject(958, 4092.9204101563, -227.59875488281, 59.114639282227, 0, 0, 89.310028076172);
CreateObject(959, 4092.9782714844, -227.57978820801, 59.178760528564, 0, 0, 90.545013427734);
CreateObject(2685, 4088.8203125, -221.73150634766, 59.869815826416, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(932, 4070.2097167969, -212.61862182617, 58.245613098145, 0, 0, 178.69030761719);
CreateObject(932, 4072.203125, -212.46520996094, 58.245613098145, 0, 0, 178.68713378906);
CreateObject(932, 4071.2060546875, -212.54132080078, 58.245613098145, 0, 0, 178.68713378906);
CreateObject(3390, 4088.7412109375, -233.09620666504, 58.245613098145, 0, 0, 270.40539550781);
CreateObject(3391, 4089.5229492188, -222.44650268555, 58.245613098145, 0, 0, 91.309326171875);
CreateObject(3393, 4093.0251464844, -231.4849395752, 58.245613098145, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(3395, 4092.6962890625, -224.18630981445, 58.237800598145, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(1210, 4062.5622558594, -192.50407409668, 58.394050598145, 0, 0, 91.310028076172);
CreateObject(2198, 4094.361328125, -204.80435180664, 58.245613098145, 0, 0, 90.810546875);
CreateObject(2181, 4094.3798828125, -206.64500427246, 58.245613098145, 0, 0, 89.684936523438);
CreateObject(2182, 4095.4169921875, -208.55786132813, 58.245613098145, 0, 0, 91.310028076172);
CreateObject(2198, 4097.23828125, -208.54252624512, 58.245613098145, 0, 0, 180.63061523438);
CreateObject(2309, 4095.0891113281, -204.24151611328, 58.245613098145, 0, 0, 101.23452758789);
CreateObject(2309, 4095.0922851563, -206.11569213867, 58.245613098145, 0, 0, 101.23352050781);
CreateObject(2309, 4096.4809570313, -207.86976623535, 58.245613098145, 0, 0, 168.72351074219);


[img width=711 height=768]http://i36.tinypic.com/33boi20.png[/img]

1) Copy all the objects.
2) Put them into your script under OnGameModeInit
3) Compile and save it.
4) Open up your server and have fun


Can you upload this on pastebin please.
My browser "-_-

nice forum site though.
I decided to register =D

You can't see the "CreateObject" code?

Originally Posted by Benne
You can't see the "CreateObject" code?
i can BUT cant copy and paste.
Cant be helped

There you go:

Looks really nice Benne

Very nice i am going to use for my RP server

Good, keep on working.

hmm but how i send the palyer to that hospital?

Originally Posted by whitedragon
hmm but how i send the palyer to that hospital?
When the player dies set him at these co-ords: 4060.2734,-196.4038,59.2456

Nice , Cool interior!

but when i want to go into hospital?

Nice work. I'll be sure to check out the entire map. I'm actually looking for a hospital interior for my role play server (which is currently in development). I'm trying to get as many ideas as possible before mapping an interior of my own.

Very Good!
Keep it up!
Helped you? + Rep

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