Monitor viewing over network

any programs that can view other monitors that are on the same network as me?

Without installing on the other PC's

remote assistance which comes with windows? (or was it remote desktop, realy can't remember...)

Just viewing, Also so they don't know.

you can't do that, otherwise that would be called HACKING, other's state at this,,

Use something like VNC, it's pretty discrete.

i believe viewing monitors without permission is either hacking, illegal, or unethical, which means this topic should be locked if i am right

I own the network. Plus the 3 computers on my network are My laptops/computers

Originally Posted by Mrkrabz (
I own the network. Plus the 3 computers on my network are My laptops/computers
If you are a parent then you could secretly install one of those child protection things and then you will get logs and pictures of what they are doing on the pc, secretly install it so they dont know its there and dont block any internet websites or swear words and you should be fine.. or else just use either Team Viewer or remote desktop connection, then hide the screens so the person doesnt know

teamviewer set up with a static account, but you need to install it

If youre using Vista, there is a tool called "RemoteDesktopAssistance". You can use this, but you cannot reach the other computer secretly, but you dont have to install anything, either.

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