Strange crashlog when I try to start my gamemode, please help

When I compile my gamemode, Pawno doesn't give any errors or warnings.

But when I want to start my samp server, I get this crashinfo file in the folder and my server doesn't start ?



Exception At Address: 0x00477F84


EAX: 0x00000000	EBX: 0x0151D40B	ECX: 0x0151EC30	EDX: 0x00000000

ESI: 0x0151EC30	EDI: 0x00000001	EBP: 0x00000001	ESP: 0x0012FD64

EFLAGS: 0x00010287


+0000: 0x01121808  0x0012FD98  0x0151D4E8  0x00000000

+0010: 0x00465187  0x00000001  0x00000000  0x01121808

+0020: 0x01121808  0x014FC404  0x014E1A30  0x00000000

+0030: 0x01516554  0x014FEC54  0x00401096  0x01121808

+0040: 0x0151D4E8  0x015079F4  0x00402BB3  0x01121808

+0050: 0x00000011  0x0012FDD0  0x0151D4E8  0x004BB0C8

+0060: 0x01121808  0x00000001  0x00000000  0x0000000A

+0070: 0x00015AF4  0x00015AF4  0x00015B10  0x00011B14

+0080: 0x00015B04  0x00011B14  0x014FC404  0x015079F4

+0090: 0x00000000  0x014FBB50  0x0000B5F0  0x00461544

+00A0: 0x01121808  0x0012FE18  0x00000002  0x001A8DB0

+00B0: 0xFFFFFFFF  0x00000002  0x001A8DB0  0x004789D8

+00C0: 0x004BB0C8  0x0049C481  0x001A8091  0xFFFFFFFF

+00D0: 0x00000000  0x01121808  0x0012FEBC  0x00491B08

+00E0: 0xFFFFFFFF  0x00477E1F  0x00000001  0x00000000

+00F0: 0x00001770  0x0012FFA0  0x7FFDD000  0x0000D000

+0100: 0x00010101  0x00000032  0x00000D05  0x000000A4

+0110: 0x00000DE8  0x001A8DB0  0x656D6167  0x65646F6D

+0120: 0x00003531  0x004A6014  0x004A6010  0x7FFDD000

+0130: 0x00491D80  0x0012FE88  0x0012FE84  0x0012FF90

Does it automatically crash when you start the gamemode? If so, it's a problem in your gamemode.. Try doing some debug messages using print(""); under OnGameModeInit, and see if the gamemode actually starts up.

Originally Posted by sizeof(Sky));
Does it automatically crash when you start the gamemode? If so, it's a problem in your gamemode.. Try doing some debug messages using print(""); under OnGameModeInit, and see if the gamemode actually starts up.
when I do a print under OnGameModeInit, it shows it in the server_log.... so where's the problem in ?

Thanks for trying to help me man

Originally Posted by dirkblok
Originally Posted by sizeof(Sky));
Does it automatically crash when you start the gamemode? If so, it's a problem in your gamemode.. Try doing some debug messages using print(""); under OnGameModeInit, and see if the gamemode actually starts up.
when I do a print under OnGameModeInit, it shows it in the server_log.... so where's the problem in ?

Thanks for trying to help me man
When did it stop working? Did you add in a new function, or a timer that updates things?

Originally Posted by sizeof(Sky));
Originally Posted by dirkblok
Originally Posted by sizeof(Sky));
Does it automatically crash when you start the gamemode? If so, it's a problem in your gamemode.. Try doing some debug messages using print(""); under OnGameModeInit, and see if the gamemode actually starts up.
when I do a print under OnGameModeInit, it shows it in the server_log.... so where's the problem in ?

Thanks for trying to help me man
When did it stop working? Did you add in a new function, or a timer that updates things?
Thanks for the tips about that print.
I have found the part in the script and was able to fix it myself.
Thanks alot man

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