New pawno?

Hello. i download server 0.3a from and i run pawno.exe in pawno folder, and when i compile it my server dont recognized script and i cant join on server...any help? is some new pawno or 0.3a is the newest?

Open PAWNO.EXE file, not your gamemode script,

Yes Pawno 0.3a is the latest pawno.

And make sure you have #include <a_samp> at the top of your script.

I open pawno.exe not gamemod.
#include <a_samp> is there but when i compile it and run the server there is my script aut of data...its godfather script

Do you recieve any errors/warnings?

Post them here.

D:\Razno\samp03asvr_R3_win32\gamemodes\gf.pwn(26087) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "dprop_PRIVATE_hash"
D:\Razno\samp03asvr_R3_win32\gamemodes\gf.pwn(26087) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "gMedicSpawns"
Pawn compiler 3.2.3664	 	 	Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

Header size:      5880 bytes
Code size:     1083784 bytes
Data size:     2182692 bytes
Stack/heap size:   16384 bytes; estimated max. usage=4904 cells (19616 bytes)
Total requirements: 3288740 bytes

2 Warnings.
This warnings been and year ago when i have this same i cant join server whit same script

Have you been able to run it before?

And go to your server.config file, and on the line "gamemode 0" make sure next to it you put "gf"

yes i be able to run it...server.cfg is good i realy dont know what can be problem. can you tell me some good script something like gf...i realy cant fix this problem and i see its time for chance gamemode

did you convert your server to 0.3?

And you should rid the script of warnings it could cause people to crash, more then necessary.

You can always try finding the solution to your problem in the godfather gamemode thread.

You should also try re-downloading the godfather gamemode.

If that doesn't work, you can try some other gamemode.

Make sure along with the 0.3a Windows Server, you have 0.3a CLIENT

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