gangzone messages help

ive got a gangzone , but how can i make it so when you enter it a message appears?

Use a timer + loop to check all the players positions and see if they're in the zone

ummmm , how , thats way above my level of scripting.

i tried doing it using "strcmp" and "IsPlayerInArea" but it doesnt come up automatically, you have to type the command to see the message, and even so, you can still type it even if you are outside the area.. no one told me yet how to use a timer and loop

Originally Posted by Ritchie999
i tried doing it using "strcmp" and "IsPlayerInArea" but it doesnt come up automatically, you have to type the command to see the message, and even so, you can still type it even if you are outside the area.. no one told me yet how to use a timer and loop
This will show a gametext when your IN the gangzone. (Doesn't disappears until you get out the ganzone)
//Somewhere in your script
stock IsPlayerInArea(playerid,Float:minX,Float:minY,Float:maxX,Float:maxY)
	new Float:pX,Float:pY,Float:pZ;
	if(pX >= minX && pX <= maxX && pY >= minY && pY <= maxY) return 1;
	else return 0;

public OnPlayerUpdate(playerid)
	if(IsPlayerInArea(playerid,-210.2018, 1599.869, 548.8602, 2312.219)) //Same coords as your gangzone
				GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~~y~Location Gangzone", 3000, 3);

	return 1;
Have fun with it (:

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