Problems with CuteFTP

My CuteFTP (better ShitFTP) keeps cutting files list to 2000 matches so I can't access like half of my players' account files, so i have some questions:
- is it FTP protocol's fault?
- is there any way to change the limit in CuteFTP?
- is there any FTP manager that can handle thousands of files?
Thanks in advance for answers!

(LOL error ate my previous post, I had to DP )

You could try and see if it happens with another FTP program (such as FileZilla)

lots of other available free FTP Clients, just go search on ******? why use one thats just gonna fuck up.

From past experience I would recommend FileZilla.

OK, this is protocol's feature, server's admin can use file limit to prevent DoSing, i made ticket to ServerZ's support and they changed my limit.
BTW I used other managers (not FileZilla) but they were working the same.

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