help with rp quiz on register

i wanna script a system, that when you get in the server ( my "home" server )
if you register, it will ask you question like :

Whats RolePlay Means ?
1. RoleGuys
2. RolePlay
3. RoleSky

and if the player answer 1\3, it will kick him, i mean "server closed the connection"
and if he choose 2, he will be move to the second question, can someone help me ?

I Loled at those answers. two of them didnt have a P in it.

I havnt scripted like this in a while, but variables

new Tested[MAX_PLAYERS];
And after they finish the test,

Tested[playerid] = 1;
I've been working with Python for the last 7 months, really havn't looked at Pawno. I'm really just giving you a friendly bump.
Hope your question is answered.

can you give me the full command ?
i mean, i dont know where to place it, and you know..

They Upgraded the script with 0.3 Im sure and being I didnt follow it I can't give you a correct answer.

the New Tested[MAX_PLAYERS]; Goes at the very top, under the includes, and defines.

noo i mean how can i built this ?
i mean, there is 3 options, and 1 of them is true,
if you chose the false answer, it will kick you from game...
and it'will be only when you're register

do you want to ask the question with normal sendclientmessage or with a menu, where you can choose your answer ?

with a normal sendcliendmessge,
i mean when you will /register you will be ask by the system some Rp question
with 3-4 options each question, and if you'will answer the worng answer, you will be kicked
i mean the player will show up "server closed the connection".
help please ?

also just send the messagen when you want it, also if you type register and add behind the messages
pawn Код:
Tested[playerid] = 1001;
then at onplayertext you just need to add
pawn Код:
switch((Tested[playerid] - 1000))
    case 1:
        if(text[0] == '2' && text[1] == EOS)
            Tested[playerid] = 1;
        else    Kick(playerid);
    default: {}
that will kick if he got the question and type something different as "2"

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