23.09.2009, 05:38
Последний раз редактировалось roar; 29.07.2011 в 03:58.
[FS] UCSS » Useful Command For Stunt Server [v1.0]
♣ What is this?
It is a stunt commands for Stunt server.
♣ Why make it?
I'n bored in my weekend, so i decided to make this. And anyway, this is my first filterscript.
♣ Features?
+Vehicle Spawner[18 Commands]
+Gun Shop[6 Commands]
+Teleports[8 Commands]
+Name color changer[6 Commands][/font]
♣ Commands?
Main command: /mcmds
Teleports: /lv,/sf,/ls,/aa,/lvair,/sfair,/lsair,/chilliad
Vehicle Spawn: /nrg,/bf400,/pcj,/sanchez,/fcr,/faggio,/infernus,/turismo,/buffalo,/sultan,/banshee,/jester,/uranus,/speeder,/reefer,/tropic,/coastguard,/dinghy
Name color:/blue,/red,/green,/grey,/yellow,/orange,/white
Gunshop: /m4,/ak47,/armour,/health,/shotgun,/grenade
♣ Download?
Mirror: Accepted
♣ How to install?
1. Copy the file in the download link.
2. Then open your pawno and click new.
3. Paste and replace it to your new pawno.
4. Compile it.
5. Save to your filterscript folder in your server folder.
6. Then open your server.cfg, put your script name in filterscripts. Ex: filterscripts [Your Script Name]
7. You are done! Enjoy!
♣ Changelog
[v1.0]: Released
♣ Credits
Me - Scripting]
Xtreme - Xtreme Visual Mapper
Note: Sorry for my bad English. And please leave a comment if you download it.