Bitwise comparation

Please, how to negate this expression - keys & KEY_FIRE. I tried keys ~ KEY_FIRE but this is incorrect syntax for pawno. Thanks in advance for your help.

Valid bitwise character in pawn (you can add your own if you want)

Originally Posted by pawn-lang.pdf
~e - results in the one's complement of e.
e1 >> e2 - results in the arithmetic shift to the right of e1 by e2 bits. The shift operation is signed: the leftmost bit of e1 is copied to vacant bits in the result.
e1 >>> e2 - results in the logical shift to the right of e1 by e2 bits. The shift operation is unsigned: the vacant bits of the result are filled with zeros.
e1 << e2 - results in the value of e1 shifted to the left by e2 bits; the rightmost bits are set to zero. There is no distinction between an arithmetic and a logical left shift
e1 & e2 - results in the bitwise logical "and" of e1 and e2.
e1 | e2 - results in the bitwise logical "or" of e1 and e2.
e1 ^ e2 - results in the bitwise "exclusive or" of e1 and e2.
and how to negate some statement

pawn Код:
(statement) == false
pawn Код:
Hope that helped in some way

I didn't even thought of negating that complete expression. Thanks.

~ = bitwise NOT
! = logical NOT

Simple as that

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