Object Bug

Hello, When I teleport to a stunt place I'll see the objects nicely with no problem.
When I teleport to the same place with a vehicle I don't see the objects but they are created and when I get out of the veh. The objects are back visible..
This is an object bug.. There is a answer for this problem but how? In awesome stuntages you don't have this problem ..

I tried every streamer, even my own..

Please help

This same bug is in 0.2x, though I've never had that issue before, just seen reports of it.

Pff, what can I do?..

No One who have this problem too and have a solving thing ?

remove the player from his car (GetPlayerPos+SetPlayerPos, not RemovePlayerFromVehicle)
and put him back on it with a timer (SetTimerEx, PutPlayerInVehicle)

I know this, but thanks .. There must something for this problem .. I feel it in my elbow

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