Gang cars

Hello folks,

I'am scripting cars for my gamemode at the moment. I'd like to ask you people something.
What cars do all the gangs use?

Please fill in each gang with the used cars.

Roam around single player, you'll see them in Blades, Savannas, Voodoo's & Tahomas. (mostly)

Vagos use Tornados, Voodoos
Ballas use Tahomas, Savannas
Grove use Blades, maybe Greenwoods

Originally Posted by dice7
Vagos use Tornados, Voodoos
Ballas use Tahomas, Savannas
Grove use Blades, maybe Greenwoods
Thank you. I'am also planning to create famiglias.

Sultans Maverick and Washington cars. Is that a good choice?

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