/advertise - max chars

I have this command /ad, but when u use too many chars, the name cuts off. For example I do

/ah Selling [blablabla] and a lot of pancakes

It will show

Advertisement: Selling ... and a lot of pancakes, contact Hy (should be Hyper..)

This is what I have it the command and what I guess should be changed:

format(string, sizeof(string), "Advertisement: %s, contact %s(%i)" ,cmdtext[4],player,playerid);

pawn Код:
if(strlen(cmdtext[4]) > 100)
  return SendCleintMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFAA, " Your advertisment can only contain 100 characters!");
strlen = string length
basically you are checking if the input is longer then 100 cords, if it is, dont do the ad.

Ah thanks! That works

By the way, make the strlen to 128, it's the max characters that can be shown.

Originally Posted by MenaceX^
By the way, make the strlen to 128, it's the max characters that can be shown.
Yes, but there should also fit "Advertisement" and player's name.

I made it 50, otherwise it'll to through the whole screen. Can't I make it go to the next line or sumthing?

If you want

pawn Код:
 *  Sends a wrapped message to player with indentation
 *  @param  playerid    The playerid to send the message to
 *  @param  colour      The colour of the message
 *  @param  msg         The message to send
 *  @param  maxlength   The length to wrap to
 *  @param  prefix      The string to indent with

stock SendWrappedMessageToPlayer(playerid, colour, const msg[], maxlength=85, const prefix[]="  ")
    new length = strlen(msg);
    if(length <= maxlength) {
        SendClientMessage(playerid, colour, msg);
    new string[MAX_INPUT], idx;
    for(new i, space, plen, bool:useprefix; i < length; i++) {
        if(i - idx + plen >= maxlength) {
            if(idx == space || i - space >= 25) {
                strmid(string, msg, idx, i);
                idx = i;
            } else {
                strmid(string, msg, idx, space);
                idx = space + 1;
            if(useprefix) {
                strins(string, prefix, 0);
            } else {
                plen = strlen(prefix);
                useprefix = true;
            SendClientMessage(playerid, colour, string);
        } else if(msg[i] == ' ') {
            space = i;
    if(idx < length) {
        strmid(string, msg, idx, length);
        strins(string, prefix, 0);
        SendClientMessage(playerid, colour, string);
pawn Код:
 *  Sends a wrapped message to all players with indentation
 *  @param  colour      The colour of the message
 *  @param  msg         The message to send
 *  @param  maxlength   The length to wrap to
 *  @param  prefix      The string to indent with

stock SendWrappedMessageToAll(colour, const msg[], maxlength=85, const prefix[]="  ")
    new length = strlen(msg);
    if(length <= maxlength) {
        SendClientMessageToAll(colour, msg);
    new string[MAX_INPUT], idx;
    for(new i, space, plen, bool:useprefix; i < length; i++) {
        if(i - idx + plen >= maxlength) {
            if(idx == space || i - space >= 25) {
                strmid(string, msg, idx, i);
                idx = i;
            } else {
                strmid(string, msg, idx, space);
                idx = space + 1;
            if(useprefix) {
                strins(string, prefix, 0);
            } else {
                plen = strlen(prefix);
                useprefix = true;
            SendClientMessageToAll(colour, string);
        } else if(msg[i] == ' ') {
            space = i;
    if(idx < length) {
        strmid(string, msg, idx, length);
        strins(string, prefix, 0);
        SendClientMessageToAll(colour, string);

Ok thanks

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