23.10.2009, 10:12
Hello Commnunity,
I had a Problem with my chat, becouse this chat works with textrdraws and in textdraws dont work Special Charakters.
I want to leach the "text" string and gives out the formatted, i already have that:
But it doeasent work, just ae or just ue gives out, anybody can help me?
(sry for shit english, iam german)
Iknow in english are not so oft usen this special chraktwers, but help me pls.
(sry for shit english, iam german)
I had a Problem with my chat, becouse this chat works with textrdraws and in textdraws dont work Special Charakters.
public OnPlayerText(playerid, text[])
new texttring[128]; new from[][] = { "д", "ь", "ц", "Я" } new to[][] = { "ae", "ue", "oe", "sz" } format(texttring,128,"%s",str_ireplace(from[], to[], text)); SendMessage(i,texttring);
(sry for shit english, iam german)
Iknow in english are not so oft usen this special chraktwers, but help me pls.
(sry for shit english, iam german)