14.10.2009, 19:41
sstk (Шустрик)
-> What's that ?!!
Thats Filterscript gives you possibility to do (car spawns,pickup spawns ,playerclass spawns etc.)
To spawn cars using their names or ids, to change your skin for playerclass spawns.
-> And what kind of commands that Filterscript contains ?!!
Type '/savemode [1-7]' to change the savemode. (Also possible '/savemodemenu')
Type '/savepos' to save the coords in the actually savemodefile.
Type '/c [text]' to write something in the actually savemodefile.
Type '/del' to delete the last line in the actually savemodefile.
Type '/spawn [Modelid/Vehiclename]' to spawn a vehicle.
Type '/setskin [Skinid]' to change your skin.
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