[IMPORTANT] If you have got several SA-MP server folders in your PC, READ THIS!

Have you got several SA-MP server folders in your PC?, sometimes, when you try to compile a script, you have got some errors like "Cannot read from file yourinclude.inc" but you have it on your include folder?

I got the solution

I've been days trying to understand why this happens?, then I asked my self, maybe the include folders are connected, or something like that, but that wasn't correct.

The true is that, when you open for first time a .pwn file, Windows asks you a program to open it, of course, we select "Pawno", from our "Pawno" folders.
If we download another script, and we open the .pwn file, we dont have to set again what program opens the .pwn file, but opens the Pawno.exe from your first script, so, loads that include files of your first server files!

The solution
When you are going to start a new script, open your new SA-MP server folder, then go to "Pawno" folder and make a short cut of the pawno.exe, then, put that short cut into your "Gamemodes" folder, and everytime you are going to open a .pwn file, open it from the shortcut of the corresponding gamemodes folder.

IMPORTANT The short cut must be from your corresponding SA-MP server folder! Otherwise, you will have the same problem.

You wont have this bug anymore if you follow this instructions.


wow thanks a lot man i always had that problem that i decided to just copy the INC into my script just that it better with the inc by them self because now they dont take space on the script

I put my compiler in %ProgramData%.

Originally Posted by Smokey619
wow thanks a lot man i always had that problem that i decided to just copy the INC into my script just that it better with the inc by them self because now they dont take space on the script
No problem. I like sharing my knowledge to others.
Good luck

Originally Posted by /^We(stie|z+[e|a
r)$/ ]
I put my compiler in %ProgramData%.
You will get the same problem . Because you will use the same Pawn.exe for each .pwn .

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